
Showing posts from July, 2021

Playing Cricket in the rain

A Day Of Cricket in the rain!☔☔  Hey!I hope all the readers are interested in cricket like me and how more beautiful can the game be when played in the rain!!.It was during monsoon when me and my friends planned to play cricket outdoors.We knew that the ball may not bounce due to the dampness in the ground but yet the idea of playing cricket in the rain was fun for all of us. As our vacations were going on,we had breakfast at 8'oclock and by 10,all of us reached the ground.Many wore dirty and old clothes as they knew it will anyways get spoilt in the rain.The coin was tossed and we lost the toss and had to bowl first.It was very surprising that we started getting wickets in the first over itself! Normally,we used to get the first wicket after 3-4 overs.The main reason for the early wickets was the wet pitch due to which the ball bounced lower and used to hit the stump instead of the bat. The match was going interesting with 5 wickets being taken in just a matter of 4 overs.Our team