Dinner with my Cricket Buddies!

 It was during the summer vacations when we used to get to play more than regular days as the sunlight was available for an extra hour or so.This was a boon for us and also we had planned to eat dinner together someday.It so happened that my friend Praveen had come for vacations to town too thus I was delighted to spend my time with him.After the match on a Friday evening,we all sat discussing which restaurant to have dinner at,everyone bring some money along that day.There were many options from Soha Restaurant,Ghasitaram Halwai and Chandni Chowk.But to us,Al Jood Restaurant near the Al khuwair park was feasible.Many of us had just looked at the restaurant from outside not that it was a luxury restaurant but it's location was quite good considering the park nearby.We were 8 friends and had shawarma and orange juice.To end the meal,we had an aloo paratha from the baker.The whole meal costed us around 5 rials.(including praveen's petrol charges which were 1 rial/person).Thanks for reading.



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